Hermann Adler was born on October 18, 1875 second of five children of Moses Adler III and his first wife Rebekka (Ricka) Kohn.
Three of his brothers and sisters already died as infants. His mother died at the age of thirty-three (Hermann was six at that time). Moses Adler III married for a second time, Bina Lehmann. The couple had three more children. Herrmann Adler married Karoline (also called Helene) Mansbach from Rhina. They had two children: Ruda (Rita), born on January 4, 1912 and Samuel (Sally) born January 24, 1913.
Hermann Adler represented the Jewish community for example in the cause of the closing down of the Jewish school in 1924. Hermann Adler sold goods by retail (cloth and pottery) in his house. Furthermore he delivered goods to customers in the surrounding villages with a handcart and if required he cut the men's hair .
Nazi period: the District Administrator from Schlüchtern reports in July 1935 about indecent behavior against an Aryan girl ( ...he touched her arm and asked her where she intended to go.). In this context the Gestapo Kassel reports about his arrest on July 31, 1935. In November 5, 1935, Herman Adler and his wife Helene moved to Fulda, Rhönstraße 6. There they lived in rented accommodation in two rooms. After the Pogrom Night in 1938, Hermann Adler was arrested and taken to Buchenwald (as expressed at that time taken into preventive detention).
Herman Adler and his wife were deported to Theresienstadt on September 5, 1942 (the register form notes emigrated). There he died on May 23, 1943 at the age of sixty-seven.
Source Material:
Standesamt Kalbach (Register Office Kalbach),
Stadtarchiv Fulda (Municiple Archives Fulda)
Entschädigungsakten (Compensation Records)
Th. Klein: Die Lageberichte der gehei men Staatspolizei
über die Provinz Hessen-Nassau 1933 1936
(The Review of the Gestapo concerning the Province Hesse-Nassau 1933 1936)
Bericht des Landrates Schlüchtern July/ August 1935
(Report of the District Administrator Schlüchtern July / August 1935)