Rosa Adler, née Goldschmidt
Born in Heubach on 2 May, 1894,
deported from Fulda to Riga on December 8, 1941.

Rosa Goldschmidt was born the youngest of seven children from the second marriage of her father Wolf Goldschmidt, with Karoline, née Ring on May 2, 1894.

Rosa, née Goldschmidt and her husband Simon-Adler moved to Fulda on January 1, 1920. In the registration form the profession butcher is recorded. Twins Robert and Martin were born on May 2, 1920, their third son Manfried Ernst on May 3, 1927. Martin already died as an infant. While the older son Robert succeeded in emigrating to New York, the parents and the youngest son moved to Mittelstraße 28 in December 1938. From there, all three were deported to Riga. At this time Rosa Adler, née Goldschmidt was forty-seven years old. The place and date of her death are unknown.

Source Material: Stadtarchiv Fulda (Municipal Archives Fulda),