Salomon Goldschmidt
Born on May 9, 1867 in Heubach,
deported from Schlüchtern to Theresienstadt on September 8, 1942,
from there to Treblinka on September 29, 1942.

Salomon Goldschmidt was born on May 9, 1867 second of three children of Simon Goldschmidt and his wife Deichel, née Goldschmidt from Sterbfritz.

Back in the 19th century the family moved from Heubach to Schlüchtern. Salomon Goldschmidt ran a cobbler's shop. He was a synagogue attendant. He had a family, both sons succeeded in going into exile in U.S. On September 8, 1942, Salomon Goldschmidt was deported from Schlüchtern to Theresienstadt and then displaced to Treblinka on September 29, 1942.

Salomon Goldschmidt was seventy-five years old at that time.

Source Material:

Hessisches Staatsarchiv Marburg (Hessian Record-Office Marburg),

Gedenkbuch. Opfer der Verfolgung der Juden
unter der nationalsozialistischen Gewaltherrschaft
in Deutschland 1933-1945
(Memorial Book. Victims of the Persecution of the
Jewish People during the Nazi Terror Regime in Germany 1933 – 1945)

Zeitsprung. Kontor für Geschichte

Jewish Museum Frankfurt / Main