Selma Goldschmidt, née Guttmann (or Güttmann)
Born on May 4, 1880, in Roth (Schwabach),
May 31, 1942, deported from Fulda to Zamość,

Selma Guttmann wurde am 4. Mai 1880 in Roth, Landkreis Schwabach geboren.Selma Guttmann was born on May 4, 1880 in Roth, district of Schwabach.

She married Simon Goldschmidt from Heubach who was the synagogue's provost. 1910 and 1913 their two children Malli and Emil Goldschmidt were born. In November 1937 Selma Goldschmidt moved to Fulda with her husband and their daughter Malli. From there she (age sixty-two) and her husband were deported to Zamość with the last transport from Fulda.

The date of her death is unknown.

Source Material:

Standesamt Kalbach (Register Office Kalbach)

Stadtarchiv Fulda (Municipal Archives Fulda),

Gedenkbuch. Opfer der Verfolgung der Juden
unter der nationalsozialistischen Gewaltherrschaft
(Memorial Book. Victims of the Persecution of the
Jewish People during the Nazi Terror Regime in Germany 1933 – 1945) in Deutschland 1933-1945