Sophie Knoth, née Sara Goldschmidt.
Born in Heubach on March 28, 1877. 1943 deported from Wittgenborn to Auschwitz where she died on August 2, 1944.

Sara Goldschmidt was born as one of the twins of Wolf Goldschmidt and his first wife Sara, née Weinberg, on March 28, 1877.

His wife died in the confinement after childbirth, and Wolf named his daughter after her deceased mother. Wolf remarried. His second wife, Carolina (on the previous page you spell her name with a K. Keep consistent.), née Ring, gave birth to seven more children. At the turn of the century Sara Goldschmidt worked in Wiesbaden as a cook. There she met her future husband, a Christian. At the age of about twenty-three she chose to be baptized in the mountain church in Wiesbaden and took the name Sophie. Under the name of Sophie Knoth she lived with her husband until his death in Wittgenborn near Wächtersbach. Her daughter, Lina Knoth, who refused to separate from her German husband, was arrested in 1943 for being half Jewish. When her mother, Sophie Knoth, a.k.a. Sara Goldschmidt, applied for a visitors permit to see her daughter, she, too, was arrested. Mother and daughter were deported as a Jew and half-Jew, respectively, to Auschwitz. There Sophie Knoth, née Sara Goldschmidt, died on August 2, 1944 at sixty-seven years of age.

Source Material: Standesamt Marburg (Registrar’s Office Marburg), Gedenkbuch.

Opfer der Verfolgung der Juden
unter der nationalsozialistischen Gewaltherrschaft
in Deutschland 1933-1945,
(Memorial Book. Victims of the Persecution of the Jewish People during the Nazi Terror Regime in Germany 1933 – 1945)
"...hier kommst du nicht mehr lebend raus!.."

Die Lebensgeschichte von Lina Hirchenhain,
aufgezeichnet von Pfarrer Otto Löber
(„… here you never will come out alive!...”)